The World: Archipelago of 300 private artificial islands that replicate a map of the world

Off the coast of Dubai, The World is a colossal project: an archipelago of 300 private artificial islands that reproduce a map of the world. A golden retreat where each island costs between 15 and 50 million dollars.

The World is an archipelago of artificial islands located off the coast of the emirate of Dubai in the Persian Gulf. A project imagined by the Emir and Prince Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. As its name suggests, the set of islands in The World represents…the World!  The idea of the project is to offer a miniature version of the world. Construction began four kilometers off the coast of Dubai in September 2003 with the first phase of work completed in 2008, and the first owners of the islands were only able to move in in 2010.

All the residences, real estate projects and shops will make these islands “the most important project of the century”.

The site is 9 km wide and 7 km long and covers a total area of 931 hectares. It will add some 232 kilometers of coastline to Dubai (which has 67 kilometers). No less than 320 million m3 of sand was used in the construction.

The sea wall surrounding The World is 27 km long, 4m high and was built by transporting 34 million tonnes of rock. This “wall” makes you enter The World by sea with 6 designated entry points.

Owners have the option of modifying the shape of their islands by adding marinas, beaches, small harbors, etc.) while maintaining the idea of a unique island. The islands can only be accessed by sea (ferries, boats, private yachts, etc) or by helicopter. The potential owners were selected by the property developer who sent 50 personalized invitations to the lucky ones.

The construction of the archipelago has been delayed, but the world map is still relevant!

1 October 2021 – 31 March 2022 : Expo 2020 Dubai UAE
The World: Archipelago of 300 private artificial islands that replicate a map of the world